Welcome Back

Dear Readers,

Welcome back to another term! We hope you enjoyed the break. Just a few housekeeping points:

1. We are in the process of testing children on their spelling progress for the Oxford words. We aim to send home the most up-to-date list for them to practise at home by the end of next week.

2. This term, we are exploring time concepts, including reading analogue and digital clocks. If your child has access to an analogue clock or watch (i.e one with numerals and hands – see photo) at home, it should greatly enhance their ability to make connections as we investigate time. Any incidental opportunities that you have to discuss time as it relates to your child’s life (e.g the sequencing of time, the duration of an after-school activity) will also be beneficial.

3. Your child will soon come home with log-on details so they can access e-books to use as an alternative to their hard-copy readers. These e-books have been selected at a level for your child to read with confidence, fluency and enjoyment.

4. Thanks to Tom’s family for providing tissues and hand-sanitiser. If you are able to pick up extra tissues and/or hand soap/sanitiser when you are shopping, we would greatly appreciate donations!

5. A friendly reminder that consent and payment for our zoo excursion is due this week. We have attached another photo of the note that we sent home, FYI.

6. This term, our weekly sharing/topic talks will be about endangered animals. Please look out for more information about these talks and a weekly schedule.

7. Lateness: Please note, if your child arrives at school between 8:50 and 9:00, they will now have their lateness recorded in the classroom. If they arrive at school after 9:00, they need to go to the office to have their lateness recorded.

Thanks for your support.

Kind regards,

Rachel and Michelle