Term 2 and First Week Highlights….

Dear Readers,

The term began with a flying start. We have had a very busy week of learning and preparing for the weeks ahead…..

Special Persons Day: This will be held on Wednesday of Week 9 this term (28th June). Every child (R-2) will be involved in singing several songs for the Special Persons Day performance. Year 2 students will have an opportunity to audition for a speaking role too. A notice was sent home on Friday with details about the auditioning process for these roles. Your child may choose whether or not they wish to audition. More information about Special Persons Day will be sent out shortly.

Reminder: Thanks so much to the many parents who have sent in a small jar for our upcoming science experiment. If you haven’t done so already please send in a small jar or plastic container on Monday (as per the note below):

A busy term ahead: Please see the term overview below:

Highlights of the week…

Legends!  Congratulations Room 24 and Room 22 on consistently demonstrating our school values of care, respect and safety during library visits. Our VIP morning was a well deserved reward!!



Rachel and Michelle